
Produce Regions
Future Glory has two demo farms in Kayin and Shan states. We conduct organic agricultural training and support farmers with fertilizers, seeds, and essential farm equipment.
They mainly plant lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, snow peas, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. The vegetables are sold to local, high-end supermarkets and direct to consumers.
Kayin State
Our farmer groups in Kayin State are mostly in Thandaunggyi, Than Daung district. It is the heart of Kayin State.
Early in the morning, a sea of clouds opens to let in the sun’s rays. The cool air greets our dedicated farmer workers in their fields. The sounds of birds and views of Naw Bu Baw Prayer Mountain ties the farmers to generations of farmers who have sowed and reaped this land.
Thandaunggyi is surrounded by natural beauty. The Pathi Mountain stream brings clear water all year round.
It is inhabited mainly by Baw Kayin people, and other ethnic groups wearing red, white and black traditional dresses. They live in traditional homes made from bamboo and wood. Around their homes, stretching up the mountain side, are vegetable gardens full of eggplant, tomato, cucumbers, chili, cardamon, ginger and turmeric, and fruit trees, mangosteen, lychee, and durian.
Using polytunnels, farmers can supply the market with juicy red tomatoes (Royal 624 F1 variety) all year round. Tomatoes are a very important vegetable in Myanmar, grown and consumed three times more than any other vegetable. They also supply okra, ginger, turmeric, and cardamon twice a year.
We also source aromatic golden yellow quince from Bamaw in southern Kachin State. It grows on the banks of the Irrawaddy River’s most picturesque areas that can only be reached by boat.

Our Exports From Kayin State

Luscious and exotic with flavours of peach, lychee, and clementine
Harvest March to May for immediate export (3 days from field to dock)
Health benefits: Rich supply of nutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants

Delicious and tropical with the sweetness of strawberries with acidic citrus notes
Harvest March to May (3 days from field to dock)
Health benefits: Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and boosts immunity

Sweet tropical fruit with a custardy, caramel, vanilla taste and creamy cheesecake texture
Harvest March to May
Health benefits: Highly nutritious, rich source of fibre, vitamin C and B, and potassium

Sweet, excellent thirst quencher with a crisp texture
Health benefits: High in nutrients, Vitamins A and C

Cardamom powder
Spicy warmth, citrus to slightly sweet flavour
Health benefits: Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities
Harvest November to February

Ginger powder
Slightly sweet, warm, and spicy
Relieves nausea, and pain with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties
Turmeric powder
Warm, spicy flavour that adds a golden colour to food
Health benefits: Powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties
Ayeyarwady Region – Rice
In 2022, we expanded our business to include rice from the Ayeyarwady region. We have strong connections, built on trust with people living in the low-land delta.
We source 20–40 containers of rice a month from 300 family farms from Myaung Mya, Eain Mae, and Pantanaw villages.
For many families, rice is their main crop. The fertile delta region produces premium grade rice. Our primary export rice is Emata, which is unique to Myanmar. It has strong export demand year-round and is mostly appreciated by Europeans customers for its long slender grain.
Chiang Mai – Coffee
Future Glory is expanding into coffee grown by the Karen tribe who live in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Today, Thailand is rapidly becoming a source of specialty coffee mixing Catimor, Typica, and Caturra varieties.
We will work with coffee growers whose trees grow amongst temples in the highland country. We plan to export both Robusta and Arabica green beans.